
Finances - Day 13

Basics of Winning with Money:

Y’all know I LOVE me some baby steps!!👣🙌🏾

Well, These are what I call the baby steps BEFORE the baby steps. Let’s name them the “infant steps” for now, mmmm kay?

4 infant steps to do (*in order*)to set yourself up to win with the Baby Steps:

1. Stop creating debt…Forever: To get well, you gotta first stop the bleeding. It won't be easy to get ahead if you keep depleting your income with payments.⁠

2. Get organized: List all of your fixed and variable expenses and debts. Include the monthly amounts, the day they are due and the full amount owed if it's a debt.⁠ Next, make a list of all your assets. How much do you have in savings, retirement, sellable items worth something, etc...Knowing this information will inform some of your future goals and decisions.⁠

3. Get a budget: Don't feel like you have to do this all in one sitting. The first budget can take several days to get on paper. AND it can take a few months to tweak until it's actually running accurately and smoothly.⁠ The BEST and only budgeting tool I use is EveryDollar.com head over there and start your budget today.

4. Get support: Financial journeys can be A LOT, and you don't have to go it alone. Hang out with me here, and I'll give you content that keeps you motivated and moving forward confidently toward financial freedom.⁠



Finances - Day 12


Finances - Day 14