
Finances - Day 1

Baby Step 1: Part 1

Steps 1-3 are all about intensity and should be done one at a time in order. Don’t go to the next step until the one before it is complete.

Baby steps 1-3 are a great time to focus on getting your income up while simultaneously lowering your

expenses….aka spend Less money!!!

Baby steps 4, 5, and 6 are all about intentionality and should be done simultaneously. Trust me, after your debt is paid, you will have enough to invest a full 15% and be intentional about putting some aside for college and/or the house. But again, work in order of priority.

This method has led millions to become Debt Free, and not only that, These folks will go on to be baby steps millionaires. This is not “Get Rich Quick” This is a journey on a proven path. I’m walking right along with you. We are currently working on baby steps 4, 5, and 6. But we are working intentionally because we aim to become a baby-step millionaire. The goal is to change our family tree. Proverbs 13:22 says, “a Good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children …” and that’s the goal, baby!! We lived like no one else so that later we can LIVE like no one else. And our children will too.



Finances - Day 2