
Finances - Day 11

How I Got Out of Debt:

Easy is hard.🤷🏽‍♀️

The concepts are easy to understand yet hard to do. But You CAN do it. And you should.

👉🏾Stop borrowing money for good:

Easy in theory, but hard to let go of mentally because we have convinced ourselves that debt is necessary and synonymous with financial fitness. We have to unlearn that.

👉🏾Make a budget:

Sounds easy enough, but most of us have had a negative experience with budgeting or do not know how to craft a budget that we customize monthly and stay mindful of daily.

👉🏾Increase your income:

Again easy, ideally, but I don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but people HATE giving up their spare time. They’d rather scroll mindlessly or binge-watch a show. The action of sacrificing to win is becoming a lost art.

👉🏾Work the debt snowball:

Most people with the right intensity can be debt free in 2 years or less. However, many folks won’t stay committed that long and won't work the snowball correctly. Debts are listed from smallest to largest, paying minimum payments on all the debts and putting all extra money into the smallest debt. Moving with speed and intensity the whole time.

I won't lie to you. I NEVER said this journey was easy. I just said you CAN do it. You can do hard things. You should do hard things.

It WILL be worth it. And you will become different than normal. What a wonderful thing.



Finances - Day 10


Finances - Day 12